Friday, December 23, 2011

3rd month's a Charm!


It's 2 days before Christmas and there is simply too much going on between home, work and baby!  But despite the ridiculous exhaustion and foggyheadedness, I'm overwhelmed  and overcome with the deepest feelings of love, joy and peace I have ever experienced.

Little Lia has brought so much perspective and meaning to our lives, she really is the best Christmas present ever.  

We are so blessed and grateful for this special season of hope as we reflect on the beauty and wonder of Christmas.  I *love* Isaiah 9:6 as it encapsulates both the sweetness and grandness of Christmas for me.

For unto us a child is born, 
unto us a son is given: 
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: 
and his name shall be called 
The Mighty God, 
The Everlasting Father, 
The Prince of Peace. 

We are also quickly closing out Lia's 3rd month (she'll be 4 months old on New Year's Eve!) and we continue to be amazed at how much she's already changed and how quickly she's growing.  Seriously, is there no Pause button?  I'll try to summarize this month's milestones and of course include a gallery of photos (my favorite part of the updates) so you too can enjoy her cuteness.

New things Lia is doing:

- cracking up laughing (LOL, for real!) - she cracks up when Mommy attacks her with kisses allover, especially her neck and tummy.  OMG.  I want to bottle up her laugh.  It's so adorable and very funny too. She also LOLs at her Daddy when he makes funny faces and noises  
- sucking her thumb (and fingers in general) - UGH!  I don't know why I feel compelled to stop her.  I mean, I guess most babies do this but I keep trying to shove a Binky or teether in her mouth instead.  It works for like 2 seconds and then she's back at it.  Hmmmm.
- rolling her tongue - this is also fascinating and very funny.  I happen to think she's just practicing for when she starts speaking Spanish and has to roll her r's...hehe.
- grabbing and holding onto anything and everything (toys, rattles, blankys, hair, jewelry,  fingers/hands)! 
- rolling over!  We missed this event in-person as it happened while we were at work and she was with Abuela Candy (my mom).  So sad.  We've seen her arching her back and she almost rolled over at home the other day, but we haven't actually seen it for ourselves.  Someone said it only counts if we see her do I'll keep you posted on that.  
- sleeping through the night (consistently)...HOORAY!!!.. (except for when she breaks out of her swaddle - see next bullet).  She is the best, best baby.  Now, of course any time I decide to stay up late to catch up on things (like the blog, or bills or laundry) it's like she knows this and thinks its a good day to wake up at 4:00 am instead of her usual 6:30.  I'm actually jinxing myself right now since it's past midnight...fingers crossed!
- finding a way out of her swaddle.  We call her our little Houdini.  We thought this type of swaddle (Velcro) was a sure bet, but it's not.  She's figured out how to wiggle her little body and hands enough to break free from the top.  If that happens, it's game over and she's awake and ready for some company.  We're getting ready to ditch the swaddle and introduce her to bedtime freedom, but I'll admit - I'm scared for what that means.  Hopefully she'll like it better and continue to sleep well!
-  first Thanksgiving road trip to The Meads in Georgia!  No turkey and fixings for Lia this year...maybe next year...but she was still the cutest little turkey there ever was. 
- meeting Santa for the first time!  Sweet and memorable at the same time.  She did great for the first 30 seconds and then it was straight downhill (see photos below). 
- celebrating Grandma and Grandpa's (Todd's parents) new home!  They closed this week and will be so much closer to us in the near future. 

Coming up:

- Lia's 4 month doc appointment (already cringing as there will be shots involved.  Ouch.  say prayers if you think of us!)
- Christmas Eve service
- Christmas Eve gathering with the loud side of the family (mine)
- Christmas Day (can't wait to soak up this sweet family time together!)
- Christmas lunch with the calmer side of the family (Todd's)
- New Year's Eve/Day 2012!!! 
- Daddy's BIG (40) birthday in January

Sweet Baby Love

Mommy hood is growing on me.  I think that "confidence factor" is so important and makes such a difference.  To be able to trust you're doing the right (or at least best) things as much as possible is very good!

I can spend endless time captured and captivated by this little gift God has given us.  I often wake while trying to sleep if I hear her moving around or "talking".  I immediately begin watching the baby monitor and am just in awe that this precious little life is ours!  I wish I could hold her and rock her forever.  It's the best time I spend when she's asleep on my chest (or nestled in my neck) and peaceful.  It's like God has personally sent His own angel to fill our hearts and souls with the greatest love of all.

Enjoy Lia's month in pictures...

Hi everyone! 
Let's count together: 1, 2, 3
I'm 3 months old - November 30, 2011

We wish you a Merry Christmas &
a very Happy New Year! 

Hmmm.  Not so sure about this.  
Who is this guy anyway?
Santa, you don't mind if I pull 
your beard do you?
 Tell Santa, baby. 
He's listening...  
Can we try for the family shot next, baby girl? Pretty please.

OK.  Quick, get the shot before she really loses it again!
 Whoo hoo. 
Mommy is my B.F.F.
Mommy kept singing something like
... apple bottom jeans,
boots with the fur ...
 when I had this outfit on.
She sounded silly.
 Daddy's favorite Lil' Cowboys fan!
 The Cowboys better win, or Daddy
will be very upset!  
 My first Thanksgiving. 
I feel Stuffed!
 Lil' Turkey fanny.
 My towel says it all.
 Mommy thinks I look like a fashionista! 
Do you like my faux pearls and skinny jeans?
 Since I love my Mommy, I always root for 
The Seminoles! 

Yes we did! 
Warpaint, feathers and all. 



Friday, November 18, 2011

2 Months, 2 Fast

Tick Tock, Tick Tock. 
The time is flying by, just like everyone said it would. 
Lia has already passed the 2 month mark (she's 11 weeks right now) and is racing toward 12 weeks/3 months way too fast.  I want so badly to turn everything off and make it all slow down...but that's just not the way it works.  Additionally, I'll be returning to work in a few short weeks adding to the angst and realization this blissful and incredibly special time will be coming to an end and a new reality will be upon us.  Fortunately we have mine and Todd's parents nearby, so we will have wonderful help as this new chapter begins.  At least there is a sense of peace and comfort knowing she will be well-cared for.

So much continues to unfold in terms of her development.  My favorite *new* thing is all her SMILES!!!! Oh my goodness.  She had a few grins here and there around Week 3, but now she just lights up the room with her sweet smile and tiny giggles.  It's the best thing in the world to see her go.  She is completely amused by wind blowing on her skin so you know what that means....yep, Daddy and Mommy look like simple fools blowing air in her face just to catch her adorable reaction.  She also gets the biggest kick if we blow raspberries and give playful kisses on her belly and chest. 

She's also producing many new NOISES.  This includes continued changes in the pitch and volume of her cries (um, screams!) and other fascinating gurgles and coos.  It is so much fun to hear what she will sound like next.  I promise, I heard her say 'Ma' the other day.  She began crying and it totally sounded just like 'Maaaaaaaaaa'.  It melted my heart.  Todd thinks I'm crazy, but I know what I heard!    Ha ha. 

She is also a bubble-making factory!  OMG.  It'll be interesting to see when she actually begins cutting her teeth.  She's now having to wear a bib regularly because the bubbles and drool are non-stop.  This began right around the 9 and 1/2 to 10 week mark.

She continues to gain upper and lower body strength and is doing a great job holding her little head up as much as possible.  She also tries so hard to stand on her little legs and push-off if she's on your lap.  We keep telling her to slow down, but she's not really listening.  Uh, oh. 

Lastly, and most significant (for Mommy anyway), she has started to sleep longer stretches through the night.  She's gone as long as an 8 hour stretch with anything from 4 to 6 and 1/2 hours in between!!! Now, if I had known she was going to pull off 8 hours, I would have gone down at the same time that night!!! But regardless, I've started to get better sleep over the past few nights and am just praying she keeps this up.  It will be so helpful when I return to work!!! What a good baby girl she is.  :)

Some recent 1st's include:

- 2 month doc visit complete with a set of Immunizations (poor baby. broke our hearts.)
- 1st Halloween (check out my digs below)
- 1st shopping trip to the Mall with Mommy (so much fun, should've started this so much sooner!)
- 1st trip to a restaurant with Daddy and Mommy (celebrating Daddy on Veteran's Day)
- 1st outing to a sports event to watch Big Cousin Alex play soccer

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, our hearts are very very full!
We are truly Blessed beyond words and could not ask for anything more.
Our cup runneth over.

Some photos from the past few weeks...

I'm 2 Months Old - October 31, 2011

Mommy tries to help soothe me after
4 yucky shots!  Ouchy!  
Daddy and Mommy say I
handled it like a Champ, though! 

 My bib says it all!  
Definitely Daddy's Boo!

Little Ladybug Lia with Daddy the Slugger!

Mommy and Me

My friend from a few doors down was also a 
Little Ladybug, but I had had enough by the time we 
started taking pictures so I decided it was nap time!  
Katie Grace was sweet enough to serve as my personal 
pillow throughout the entire photo session!!!

 I'm still small enough to fit in the 
bathroom  sink for quick little baths! 
I love the water and I love bath time! 

Happy Veteran's Day, Daddy! 
I'm so proud of you!!! 

Another one of my Sunday best!!!
Cheering on Big Cousin Alex with Daddy.

Thank you to all who continue to love, encourage, bless and support us. 
You are very special indeed.

Friday, October 28, 2011

2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - Little Lia's doing great!

8 weeks old already...Oh My!

Well, if I thought time was scarce before Princess Lia arrived, it's almost non-existent now.  Let's just say time management has never been a strength of mine and I'm finding it only gets that much harder with a little one.  Surprise, Surprise!  But I'd rather spend every minute of the day holding, talking, reading and singing to, playing with, taking care of and enjoying her than doing anything else in the world so obviously there is no shortage to the list of things not getting done, including sending out our Announcements & Thank You Cards!!! 

So if you are reading this and you've sent well wishes and sweet gifts for our Little Lia please forgive me as your Thank You is sitting on the kitchen counter and will be making it to the of these days.  For now I've included a picture of the beautifully hand-made cards my lovely sister Neli put together but please accept our sincere and grateful appreciation virtually until Mommy can keep her eyes open long enough to get them out.

As for Lia - can I just say, 'OMG'?!?!!! Where do I begin?  I can't keep up with the thoughts, emotions, feelings and daily (sometimes hourly) experiences she brings to us.  It is simply an amazing, beautiful and wonderful time.  It really is true what everyone says - your life is changed in an instant and you can't hardly remember what it was truly like before she was here.

To give you an idea of her personality...ummm...well, she is very alert, active, and aware of her surroundings.  She is very intentional and focused and will study a room, object, person and follow voices very carefully.  Her favorite thing has got to be the ceiling fan or anything dangling overhead - light fixtures, mobiles, curtains - she can stare at those things forever!  At 4 days old she was already grabbing her Binky and trying to hold it herself.  It was as if she were saying, 'You can let go, I got this!'  She was also trying to hold her head up and push with her little feet in the very early weeks and does very well with Tummy Time now.  She has the strongest little grasp and tries to pull herself up if you let her.  Todd and I joke she'll be walking by next week all the time.  She also continues to "find her voice".  Her volume and pitch change regularly and demand your attention - haha - yes, that's a nice way of saying she's got a healthy set of lungs!  She started sharing little smiles with us in Weeks 2 and 3, but now smiles all the time which is the best thing in the world to see!  She loves bath time, but absolutely hates having her head and hair washed and will absolutely let you know it!  In hindsight, her strong development and feisty personality makes perfect sense since she was so very eager to greet this great big world and her delivery progressed so rapidly!    

A few of Lia's favorite things: her daddy and mommy, kisses, hugs, being held, cuddled, talked to, sang to, rocked, ceiling fans and dangly things, short car rides, (for the moment) the swing, her crib, bath time, The Dallas Cowboys (to her daddy's delight!), visitors, Mickey and Minnie Mouse (Thanks, Aunt Tammy), her Binky and of course mealtimes!

A few of Lia's not-so-favorite things: waiting to be fed, being put down after being snuggly wuggly in your arms, not being changed in a timely manner - oh, yeah -, not getting your full and undivided attention - hmm, hmm - lengthy car rides (like to the airport to pick up Daddy...that trip was no fun for anyone!), having her hair washed and getting those yucky vaccination shots - ouchy!

Below are some snaps of our gorgeous girl from the past 8 weeks.  Poor thing is growing up with her very own 24/7 paparazzi by the names of Daddy & Mommy - oh and Grandpa & Grandma too!  But can you really blame us?  Hehe.

Also, if you haven't already seen these awesome professional pictures taken by very dear friends of ours, make sure to visit their sites:

Thank You cards...coming soon! 

Lia at the Pumpkin Patch 2011 
Our Little Pumpkin
Lia had to wear this outfit a little early
since she is already outgrowing her Newborn wares.

Our first family trip to the Pumpkin Patch.
Daddy calls me his little punkin all the time.
(That's punkin with an n.)
He can call me anything he wants because 
he is such a good Daddy and loves me so much!!!

Lia's first time at Church
 So happy to make it back to church after many weeks away
and sweet Lia did so great! Whew! 

 I'm too sexy for this dress!
Can you see my bracelet bling, sassy ballet 
slippers and fru fru headware?  
I blame Mommy. 

 Paying a visit to Mommy's work

 Gussied up to visit Mommy's co-workers and friends

 Look at my beautiful long lashes

 Mommy likes to dress me up like a baby doll
Getting acquainted with Big Cousin Noah 
  Noah is a very watchful big cousin and makes sure 
to replace Lia's Binky when it falls out!
 First stroll around the neighborhood.  
I'm lovin' the great outdoors and 
being pushed around in my own personal 
limo's not so bad either! 

  I'm 1 Month Old - September 30, 2011
 Being a baby is a lot of work! 
I get very tired and need my beauty rest. 

My Aunt Tammy is so cool! 
Shhh, don't tell anyone but she loves to spoil me rotten!!! 

Daddy's Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader
Daddy says I'm his good luck charm and have to watch
all the games with him so his favorite team will WIN! 
(What the living room looked like after coming home 
from the hospital and clearing out the incomplete nursery.)
All these things are for me! 
Can you even see me in the swing?  
Mommy and Daddy had to get organized
and put everything in its place!
 I'm only 4 days old, but I can hold my own Binky - 
thank you very much! 

Hope you've enjoyed the updates.  Sorry for the very long breaks between postings but it's been all about the "B" right now...

Baby (Bebe)
Burp cloths
Bedtime (as much as possible, for both of us!)

Loving life with Baby Girl and trying to take every moment as it comes! 

Thanks for your continued friendship, love and support!   XOXO

Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh Happy Day!!!

Life is Good!!!

One week after my previous post, we got the best surprise of our life when our little girl decided it was time for the "big reveal".  HAHA! So at 37 and 1/2 weeks, and just as I was preparing to begin my day at work on a Wednesday morning, my water broke!  OOOPS!

Everything moved rather quickly after that.  I was admitted to the hospital around Noon and our precious baby girl arrived at 5:06 pm!  I guess she was ready!

I'll spare you the labor story here, but if you really want the details just let me know and I'll be happy to give you the play-by-play.  Lets just say, it was not what I expected or had prepared for but somehow, someway we got to the other side and have been soaking up every minute and moment of this special little miracle ever since!

Baby Stats:

Baby girl:  Lia Loren
Birth date:  Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Birth weight:  6 lbs, 12.5 oz.
Length:  19 inches
Born at:  5:06 PM
Mom and Dad:  Couldn't be happier and prouder

We are so grateful to our sweet family members and amazing friends!!! The love and support we have experienced is remarkable and has made this special time even more incredible.  We give thanks and praise to God for gifting us a fabulous and healthy little girl and we're looking forward to our new little life ahead of us.

Enjoy the pictures!
More updates to follow as Mommy finds a way to grab more zzzz's along the way...

                                                                It's Time....
                                                                Here I am... 
                                                   Daddy and Mommy Love You! 
Abuelo and Abuela are so proud!
Aren't I so cute???
Kissable, Huggable, Loveable, Unbelievable!!!
Grandpa and Grandma are so excited!!!
Proud Daddy!
Proud Mama!
The Happy Family!
Time to go home...
We're Home!!!
She's already got Daddy wrapped around her fingers!!!

It's unbelievable how much she has already changed and grown!  Tears!!!!
It feels much too fast.