Friday, October 28, 2011

2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - Little Lia's doing great!

8 weeks old already...Oh My!

Well, if I thought time was scarce before Princess Lia arrived, it's almost non-existent now.  Let's just say time management has never been a strength of mine and I'm finding it only gets that much harder with a little one.  Surprise, Surprise!  But I'd rather spend every minute of the day holding, talking, reading and singing to, playing with, taking care of and enjoying her than doing anything else in the world so obviously there is no shortage to the list of things not getting done, including sending out our Announcements & Thank You Cards!!! 

So if you are reading this and you've sent well wishes and sweet gifts for our Little Lia please forgive me as your Thank You is sitting on the kitchen counter and will be making it to the of these days.  For now I've included a picture of the beautifully hand-made cards my lovely sister Neli put together but please accept our sincere and grateful appreciation virtually until Mommy can keep her eyes open long enough to get them out.

As for Lia - can I just say, 'OMG'?!?!!! Where do I begin?  I can't keep up with the thoughts, emotions, feelings and daily (sometimes hourly) experiences she brings to us.  It is simply an amazing, beautiful and wonderful time.  It really is true what everyone says - your life is changed in an instant and you can't hardly remember what it was truly like before she was here.

To give you an idea of her personality...ummm...well, she is very alert, active, and aware of her surroundings.  She is very intentional and focused and will study a room, object, person and follow voices very carefully.  Her favorite thing has got to be the ceiling fan or anything dangling overhead - light fixtures, mobiles, curtains - she can stare at those things forever!  At 4 days old she was already grabbing her Binky and trying to hold it herself.  It was as if she were saying, 'You can let go, I got this!'  She was also trying to hold her head up and push with her little feet in the very early weeks and does very well with Tummy Time now.  She has the strongest little grasp and tries to pull herself up if you let her.  Todd and I joke she'll be walking by next week all the time.  She also continues to "find her voice".  Her volume and pitch change regularly and demand your attention - haha - yes, that's a nice way of saying she's got a healthy set of lungs!  She started sharing little smiles with us in Weeks 2 and 3, but now smiles all the time which is the best thing in the world to see!  She loves bath time, but absolutely hates having her head and hair washed and will absolutely let you know it!  In hindsight, her strong development and feisty personality makes perfect sense since she was so very eager to greet this great big world and her delivery progressed so rapidly!    

A few of Lia's favorite things: her daddy and mommy, kisses, hugs, being held, cuddled, talked to, sang to, rocked, ceiling fans and dangly things, short car rides, (for the moment) the swing, her crib, bath time, The Dallas Cowboys (to her daddy's delight!), visitors, Mickey and Minnie Mouse (Thanks, Aunt Tammy), her Binky and of course mealtimes!

A few of Lia's not-so-favorite things: waiting to be fed, being put down after being snuggly wuggly in your arms, not being changed in a timely manner - oh, yeah -, not getting your full and undivided attention - hmm, hmm - lengthy car rides (like to the airport to pick up Daddy...that trip was no fun for anyone!), having her hair washed and getting those yucky vaccination shots - ouchy!

Below are some snaps of our gorgeous girl from the past 8 weeks.  Poor thing is growing up with her very own 24/7 paparazzi by the names of Daddy & Mommy - oh and Grandpa & Grandma too!  But can you really blame us?  Hehe.

Also, if you haven't already seen these awesome professional pictures taken by very dear friends of ours, make sure to visit their sites:

Thank You cards...coming soon! 

Lia at the Pumpkin Patch 2011 
Our Little Pumpkin
Lia had to wear this outfit a little early
since she is already outgrowing her Newborn wares.

Our first family trip to the Pumpkin Patch.
Daddy calls me his little punkin all the time.
(That's punkin with an n.)
He can call me anything he wants because 
he is such a good Daddy and loves me so much!!!

Lia's first time at Church
 So happy to make it back to church after many weeks away
and sweet Lia did so great! Whew! 

 I'm too sexy for this dress!
Can you see my bracelet bling, sassy ballet 
slippers and fru fru headware?  
I blame Mommy. 

 Paying a visit to Mommy's work

 Gussied up to visit Mommy's co-workers and friends

 Look at my beautiful long lashes

 Mommy likes to dress me up like a baby doll
Getting acquainted with Big Cousin Noah 
  Noah is a very watchful big cousin and makes sure 
to replace Lia's Binky when it falls out!
 First stroll around the neighborhood.  
I'm lovin' the great outdoors and 
being pushed around in my own personal 
limo's not so bad either! 

  I'm 1 Month Old - September 30, 2011
 Being a baby is a lot of work! 
I get very tired and need my beauty rest. 

My Aunt Tammy is so cool! 
Shhh, don't tell anyone but she loves to spoil me rotten!!! 

Daddy's Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader
Daddy says I'm his good luck charm and have to watch
all the games with him so his favorite team will WIN! 
(What the living room looked like after coming home 
from the hospital and clearing out the incomplete nursery.)
All these things are for me! 
Can you even see me in the swing?  
Mommy and Daddy had to get organized
and put everything in its place!
 I'm only 4 days old, but I can hold my own Binky - 
thank you very much! 

Hope you've enjoyed the updates.  Sorry for the very long breaks between postings but it's been all about the "B" right now...

Baby (Bebe)
Burp cloths
Bedtime (as much as possible, for both of us!)

Loving life with Baby Girl and trying to take every moment as it comes! 

Thanks for your continued friendship, love and support!   XOXO