Monday, January 30, 2012

Fast 4-ward!

Lia and Daddy celebrate their fabulous "4's"!

As predicted and expected Christmas, New Year's and everything since is simply a blur...but when I do slow down and think back to our first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's as a family all I can do is smile, smile, smile.  :) What a sweet, special time and a great way to begin 2012!

Lia's 4th month has flown by but has also been jammed full of phenomenal firsts:

- rolling over all the time (back to front & front to back) while Mommy and Daddy actually watch on - hooray!
- holding her own bottle, which she is really good at - when she feels like it...hmmmm.
- graduated to partial swaddling; Since Lia discovered the art of escaping the swaddle, she is now "hands free" but the rest of her little body is still swaddled and she is sleeping great (about 9-10 hour stretches at night!)
- tons more giggles (she actually cracks up, which is so amusing and entertaining to Daddy and Mommy).
- sitting up and gaining core body strength (she sits in a bumpo booster seat for a few minutes each day and looks like such a big girl!)
- grabbing everything: her toes, her toys, her Binky, mommy's hair and jewelry, daddy's neck, anything/everything in sight (and she's holding on, really getting a tight little grip on things).
- shoving anything/everything into her mouth - we're convinced a little tooth or two are not too far off now, especially with all the bubbles and baby drool she's got going on
- talking & singing: she is discovering her little voice and has regular little "talking" patterns throughout the day, she also makes little melodic sounds like she's carrying a little tune - too sweet!
- still loving the water...she's our little water baby.  She's instantly drawn to the sound of water and absolutely loves bath time.  
- Lia battled through her 4-month doc appointment and hung in there for those yucky/ouchie shots.  She really did great and we're so proud of her!  Ugh!  When do these shots end?  Boo! :( 
- and so much more!

Daddy also had a memorable month, as we celebrated his BIG 4-0!
You've still got it, babe! XOXO

To pay tribute to Todd on his 40th birthday, we honored his favorite decade - the 80's- with a small but special flashback to the 80's party.  Check out some of the birthday pics below and YES - go for it - LAUGH ON.  We were all pretty ridiculous, but had the best time!  

Without further ado...enjoy the last month (plus) worth of snapshots!
I'm 4 months old - December 31, 2011! 
Smiling Pretty with my fancy tutu and angel wings. 
Christmas Eve in Florida! HA! Can you tell?
No coats! 
Gussied up for Christmas Eve service
and family dinner at the Acosta's. 
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...
Mommy and Baby Girl. XOXO. 
Daddy and his little elf! 
Lia enjoyed tearing into the paper and finding
her new presents!
Can only imagine what Christmas
will be like this year! 
It was a long Christmas day and Little Lia
made use of all her cha-cha Christmas outfits! 
Santa's biggest fan!
Bring on 2012!
I'm ready!!!
New Year's Eve night. 
I'm loving the tummy time! 
So much excitement lately!
A girl needs her beauty sleep!
Daddy gets the biggest surprise from his "twin", Eric!
Happy Birthday, brother!
Eric comes to visit from Raleigh, NC! 
Daddy's baby doll. 
Birthday breakfast at Bubbalou's.
Very tasty! 
Todd's 40th celebration filled with good-time
memories and 80's everything! 
An 80's family! 
Some of Todd's treasured photos and memories on display. 
Birthday Boy and Mommy get down, get down.  
Are you checking out the throwback shades?  HA!
Birthday Wishes! 
Yes, MC Hammer did make an appearance! 
Happy Birthday, Big Daddy 'T'! 
Daddy's little girl sporting her 80's fashions:
boom box onesie, leg warmers and all. 
Totally 80's Family
from Mr. Miami Vice to Mrs. Flashdance
and their adorable little stars! 
Dad and Mom Acosta rock the 80's in
Mom and Dad Mead are sooooooo proud of their spectacular son! 

Thinking of you and thanking you for your love & friendship.