Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grateful & Blessed!

Ready or Not (not):  Here come the Holidays! 

I realized over the weekend that the holidays were really happening when I subconsciously began playing the Hallmark channel in the background while I did things like laundry and bill-paying, programmed a 24/7 Holiday music station in my car and noticed more and more Christmas lights and decorations popping up more frequently.  Ahhhh!

Well, it really is the MOST wonderful time of the year - at least in my book! 

This year has been so fulfilling as we have truly experienced the joy (and challenges) of parenthood and the incredible growing-up moments of our Lil' Lia. 
All we can say is...

Thank You, God!!! 
Thank You, Family!!
Thank You, Friends!

As we pause to celebrate Thanksgiving with our loved ones - you are in our hearts and minds and we wish you many continued blessings, peace and love!

*** Since it's been a little while between posts, here are many more photos of our ever-growing, ever-changing Lia....although these days I find myself calling her "Sassy Pants" more and more - hehe!

MAJOR UPDATE:  She's walking! - all over the place.  Right at about 14 months she took off and hasn't stopped since.  She's also talking - little words here and there.  Words like "Elllll-mo", "Up", "Get Down", "Shoes" and "Juice". least that's what it sounds like to us.  :)


Happy Halloween 2012!

Our busy lil' bumble bee...

Daddy and Mommy think they're clever:
Big 'B', Baby 'B' and Little 'B'.

Mommy's tired lil' bee.

Time for some trick or treating!
Last year Katie and Lia were both Ladybugs,
this year it's all about the Bees. 

Our friend Happy has Lia's 1st piece of candy!

This lolly pop is soooo good!
Mom, why haven't I had this before???
Hey, I think I can get used to this asking for candy thing!

Whoo hoo!
So this is what they call a sugar high!
Getting ready for cooler weather and winter-time!

Some of Lia's very 1st steps!
Here I out!
This walking thing is pretty cool!

Big Cousin Noah and I are practicing for our holiday concert.
.tee hee.

Lia to Noah: I'll give you my fruit smoothie later if you let
me ride your tricycle, Noah.
Noah to Lia: Hmmm, is that all you've got? 
Lia belts out her favorite tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!

Lil' Nole Girl!  Just like Mommy!

Thanks for visiting and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!