Thursday, June 30, 2011

Magical Jumping Beans - Welcome to the Third Trimester

Now it's really starting to feel "real".  I don't know where I've been for the past 27 weeks, but time is flying by and its crazy to think we'll be getting to meet our sweet baby girl very soon.  In the meantime, she's definitely having her way in mommy's belly.  She reminds me of those magical jumping beans! Pop, Kick, Push, Twirl - all the time, any time.  It's WONDERFUL!

Hopefully we'll be finalizing her crib and bedroom in the next few weeks so we can start to focus on getting a clue about what to do and expect at delivery and beyond.  To all my mommy friends, I hope you're OK with crazy midnight calls and emails when I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing... hehe .... just kidding - hopefully I'll be able to figure it out or go with the flow.

So if you're wondering just HOW BIG I'm getting....check it out.  I feel like I double in size overnight.  I guess she's just busy growing.

Daddy received a special message from Baby on Father's Day and we're also so proud of him for obtaining his certified orthotist credentials for work!  We celebrated with Starbucks Cake Pops - YUM!  

Getting excited about the next few months ahead and so grateful to all our family and friends!  We are blessed, blessed, blessed!

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