Wednesday, February 29, 2012

High 5!

I simply cannot keep up, but I sure am trying!

So, Lia's 5-month update is way overdue.  She is actually 6-months old today!  <sigh>
No matter how much everyone tells me this time will all but fly by, I still sit here completely amazed by just how true it really is.  Her changes and breakthroughs are fast and furious now making it all feel like an enormous blur.  Thank God for photography and videography (though we're not doing nearly as much video-ing as we really should). 

Everyone asks if Lia is a good baby and the answer is most definitely, YES!
- (Knock on wood) she continues to sleep 9-10 hours a night
- She LOL's all the time (best little laugh ever!, especially when she's cracking up)
- She can sit in her swing, bouncy seat or play on the floor for nice little stretches -without requiring too much attention- and keep herself entertained and busy
- She has definitely found that little voice of hers and has become quite the Chatterbox (maybe even borderline sassy with some of her loud, attention-grabbing screeches).  Mommy and Lia carry on a conversation every morning on the way to Abuela's (Grandma's).  Pretty sure all the other drivers think it's a crazy lady behind, beside or in front of them - they just don't know Little Lia is talking right back with...haha
- She gets along great with her big cousin Noah and is super-good for Abuela, every day!
- She is a good little eater (more on this in Milestones...below...)

The other night I was rocking her as she fell asleep (my absolute most favorit-ist time of the day) and I couldn't help how overwhelmed I was with the realization of just how big she had gotten and how much she was changing.  I'm telling you, I think I could sit in that rocker forever with her in my arms.  I literally have to make myself move to put her down and try to get other things done.  I know this time won't last forever so I think I am trying to do exactly what I've been told:  cherish every minute, every second. here are some of the Milestones during Lia's 5th-month, followed by just a few of the hundreds of pictures we take on a regular basis.

- Lia celebrated her 1st Valentine's Day with Daddy and Mommy.  Definitely a love-filled, sweet and special time as a family. 
- rolling over while sleeping.  She starts on her back, but quickly ends up on her tummy, which she seems to like best!
- started eating baby food (first cereal and now baby veggies, baby fruit and the gamut) - so far so good, fingers crossed as we explore with more food options.  Mommy and Daddy got the biggest kick out of taking turns feeding her.  So fun to watch her reactions to "the new stuff".
- trying to stand up straight and plant her feet when she's held up (those little legs just keep getting stronger and stronger).
- sitting up and supporting herself more frequently - I had no idea what people meant when they asked if she was doing the "tripod", but now I do and yes she is - she's figured out how to put her little hands in front of her between her legs or by her side to support herself while she sits.  She still flops over from time to time, which is the cutest and funniest thing to watch.
- sitting in her high chair little bits at a time (thanks for letting me know, Cari!
- more reaching, grabbing - she will now pull off her socks and try to eat them or pull her little toes to her mouth. 
- throwing things to get a reaction-? (She will throw some toys to the floor if she's playing in her swing or bouncy.  Before, it was more like she was dropping things accidentally but now we'll pick them up and 2 seconds later she's throwing them back on the floor.  Of course she thinks its funny...hehe....and Yes, Mommy and Daddy are playing along!)
- and so much more...

* Apologies for any unanswered emails...will do my best to catch up soon.   

Your support, well-wishes and love make us smile every day! XOXO.
Thanks so much! 

I'm 5 months old today - January 31, 2012!  
Look Ma, I can fly!  Wheeeee!
I'm Daddy's special Valentine! 

Mommy loves Me! XOXO!

My Mommy dresses me up like a little Princess
all the time and since I  love her so much, I let her! 

Valentine's Day breakfast treat! Yum. 

Valentine's dinner at Casa Mead!  
So much better than fighting the restaurant crowds.

What is all the fuss about?  Didn't we just do Christmas? 

Lia's 1st rose, courtesy of Daddy!  XOXO. 

I'm a big girl and can sit up with very little help! 

I can do this!  
I'm leaning, leaning, trying not to topple over. 

So, you've been holding out on me, huh?  
I think I like these sweet peas!  
More, please. 

This is a mighty big chair, 
but I like how this tray feels on my gums and mouth!

See you next time...

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