Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Joy!

Pumpkin Patch Playtime

Absolutely lovin' this time of year!  Sitting here watching one of my all-time favorite movies, You've Got Mail, and grinning from ear-to-ear.  It's one of my fall rituals and by now it just plays in the background as I attempt to quote different lines throughout the movie.  Ha!

If you know the film then you can probably appreciate this line...

"...Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies.  I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address..."

Last year's trip to the Pumpkin' Patch was totally sweet, but this year it was much more interactive and a different kind of fun getting to watch Lia explore and pick out her very own mini-punkin.  :)

Hope you are finding time to enjoy this time of year and breathing in the crisper, sweeter air.....ahhhh!


10/27/12 - Pumpkins and Ponies @ Painted Oaks Academy

10/28/12 More Pumpkin Patch Fun with Cousin Noah!

See you real soon!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Edgewater High School 20-ish Year Reunion!

Hard to believe it's been 20 years since I walked the halls of my old high school.  Life was just getting ready to really begin then.  Such hope, promise, excitement and innocent joy!

While the words "high school" may send some running for the hills, I actually do have fond memories of my high school years and it was both nostalgic and sweet to have the opportunity to catch up with so many classmates this past weekend.  It was especially great to introduce Todd and Lia to many of them!  

I still remember some of the old cheers, chants and songs we used to sing - including our beloved Alma Mater:

All Hail, Edgewater High School
We sing our praise to thee; 
Your team shall never falter
Surge on to Victory! (VICTORY!)

All Hail, Edgewater High School
Long wave the red and white
And when we have gone 
You will hear our song
Hail, Edgewater Hail!

Here's to the Class of '92! (boy do I feel old!) - good times, great memories and a little trip down memory lane!

10/18/2012 - Homecoming Game



 Let's go Eagles, Let's go! 

 Great Alumni turnout at the Homecoming Football Game!
There's Melissa McCall, Eric Davis, Mason Riles, Nikki Brown, 
Lisa Matthews and Ruth Ann Lily if you see past the blur.

Lori & Ruth Ann - friends since 6th grade!

10/20/2012 Alumni Picnic at Dartmouth Park 

 The guys: 
Jay Ellington, Miguel Santana, Randy Chepenik & Ben Santana.

 Marishyl Casenas! 

 Omg! April Young.  That girl can DANCE! 

 Sweet Kathy Whitman! 

 Lori & Rudy again.

 Lil' Lia having a blast swinging away!

 Mr. Bias!  Our AP English Teacher! 

 The tan girl society: Marishyl, Mona Patel & Lori.  Ha!

 Marishyl, Mona, Lori & Rudy.

 Girly Girls
Back row: Kristy Thillmony, Marishyl, Mona, Lori & Rudy
Front row: April Niehl, Becky Bryant & Nifer Wilkening

 EHS Alumni

 Lil' Lia & Daddy slip sliding! Whee!

 I love this bouncy thingy!

 10/20/12, Alumni Reunion Night Out at Ember Downtown

Great excuse for hubby and I to experience 
some grown up time!

Some of the chicas:  
Charla Thomas, Natalie Rosario, Mona Patel, & April Young

 Mona and Charla ham it up
Julius John, Deirdre Wynn & Gerod Davis
Charla, Natalie, Dave Stewart, Mona, & April
Does this guy look familiar? So cool to see Howie D. again!

Mona, Lisa Matthews, & Ruth Ann
No, we're not twins.  But we are pretty much sisters! Ha!
Class of '92: VP and Mrs. President Tina Wood
It's Kristy Baylis!
More chicas: Mona, Cason Jones, & Sarah Wilson
...and here's to the next 20! Yikes!