Tuesday, August 21, 2012

11 and counting...

1st Birthday celebration time is right around the corner...Oh My! 

Yep!  It's happening.  Just like everyone said it would, way too fast!  I promise I listened and did my best to do all the things everyone encouraged me to do like:

- taking things as they come
- soaking it all in
- enjoying every second, every minute of every day
- slowing down (well, I've tried to do this one...ha)
- not blinking (tried this too, but doesn't actually work)

So here we are.  Has it really been 355 days? 
Truly mind blowing and remarkable at the same time. 

Lia's 11th month has been filled with many more funny and growing moments.  She is definitely coming into her own and oh, have I mentioned her personality?  If not, here are a few clues:  vocal, physically strong, fearless, determined, inquisitive, active, playful, feisty .... yet somehow the most recent baby quiz I took says she's pretty much "Laid Back"! Hmmm. Well, no matter what she's our little sweetheart and we are so loving this new phase of growth, development and attachment (both ways)!

Some recent milestones and memorable moments include: 

- Sunday School Child Care for the very first time - much more traumatic for the parents; she did awesome of course!
- "Little Miss Mobility" - assisted baby steps allover the place (if she can reach it or hang onto it, she'll use it to get from one place to the next).
-  MORE TEETH!  Oh my goodness.  Every time we peek, we find more teeth ready to pop.  Might explain some of the more recent rest/sleepless nights.....ahhhh. 
- Brushing of those rapidly sprouting teeth has now begun.  She thinks the toothpaste is candy! tee hee
- Her hair continues to grow.  During bath time we can really tell how long its getting.  Pigtails here we come...well, one of these days.
- Lia's Grandma and Grandpa recently gifted her a little chair.  Let's just say it's now become her own personal stepping stool!  She has figured out how to use it to climb onto the sofa.  Where are the eyes in the back of my head when I need them?
- Loving story time (Lia has some favorite books - like the Karen Katz series with the flaps she can lift or open herself.  She does not get tired of hearing these stories over and over again).
- Hello, TV Time - Sprout and the Baby Channels are now playing at our house (a few minutes in the morning and evenings while we get ready to leave or as we wind down from the day...Lia likes Sesame Street as well as Little Einsteins.  She has a short attention span, but will LOL and dance in her chair or on the floor when the shows play some tunes.  I'm secretly frightened, but I think she likes Barney and The Wiggles too....oh boy).
- First experiment with crayons and drawing while out at a restaurant.  Once we helped her realize crayons do not = food, she got the hang of it.  Of course, she will always try to sneak them in...and she's pretty fast. 
- Eating more big girl foods, usually off our plate. 
- Ice cream is Delicious!  May I have more please?
- Yogurt is yum too!

Lia's photo gallery is next....enjoy! xoxo


I'm 11 months old - July 31, 2012

I love my books!
Thanks for giving me a hand, Daddy!
Big & Sweet Smiles!
It's got wheels right? Then I can push it around!

I love bath time!!!
Big girls drink their juice from a cup...
and grab their own Cheerios!

Hey Mom, you can have the day off.  I can handle the laundry!
Gotcha!  Where are you going little one?
Brush, Brush, Brush, Rinse, Rinse, Rinse

You know it!
Might as well be comfy, if I have to be confined!
1st time at Sunday School Child Care...it'll be OK, Punkin'. 
Hey Mommy, it looks like fun! I'll be OK! You can go now.

Morning Sweet pea!
Wow! These crayons are neat!
Celebrating Cousin Noah's 3rd Birthday!!!
When a girls' gotta nap, a girls' gotta nap.
Next time you visit, I'll be 1!!!! 
See you soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Lori - this is so sweet! You will be so glad you documented all these fun little details :)
